LECTURE: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center - April 2013
Title: The Use of Narrative in the Treatment of Trauma
Excerpt from Talk:
"Both small and large traumas (ranging from loss of other to loss of self) create blocks and ruptures to narrative flow. Narrative reconstruction unfreezes and completes historical narrative while inviting fuller presence to your ongoing narrative, and thus achieving flow."

LECTURE: MetSchools' Our Education City conference - October 2012
Title: Where There's Dialogue, There's Learning
Excerpt from talk:
"Our work as educators is not only to teach to the whole child, but to cultivate wholeness in the child. Learning requires presence... in the way we talk and listen to learners. We are never taught to truly listen, and it's one of the most difficult things to do well. It is we who must model the paradigm shift from "self" conscious to "other" conscious This capacity for deep connection is the antidote to attention deficit... it is attention surplus."
WORKSHOP: Weekend-Intensive for Educators
Urban Assembly teachers at the culmination of their weekend-intensive workshop on "Boosting Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom."
SUPERVISION IN ACTION: Urban Assembly teachers applying what they learned
Two teachers from Urban Assembly took their training at the weekend-intensive workshop on "Boosting Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom" and implemented a semester-long class at their school. This is one teacher leading a workshop back at school.
LECTURE: National Institute for the Psychotherapies - January 2013
Title: Integrative Trauma Colloquium: Reconstructing Trauma Narratives
Review from Greg Carson, LCSW, Coordinator of the Trauma Treatment Colloquia at NIP:
“Your presentation was artful...with content and delivery of the narrative reconstruction case studies at an equally high level”.
Case studies read with Colette Linnihan (on left)

PANEL DISCUSSION: Society for Professional Marketing Services - November 2012
Title: Leadership - Leading from the Inside Out
Excerpt from talk:
“Leading does not mean having underlings to supervise per se; leadership is a sense of authority; one that allows a professional to lead themselves. The word, ‘authority’, has a very special meaning, because it contains the word ‘author’. Our identities lie in our stories; we can’t have a sense of authority, without having a coherent sense of identity. Developing ‘inner leadership’ allows you to harvest the seeds of authority already in your toolkit. You don’t have to be an extravert, to be a thought leader.”

WORKSHOP: With Seniors
Gail leading a narratology workshop with seniors engaged in life review.

SUPERVISION: With Clinicans
ail supervising trainees.

Gail doing a life review workshop with Dorot, a social service organization that serves seniors.